Category: Discovering

Cumbria, a picturesque county in North West England, is known for its outstanding natural beauty, particularly the Lake District National Park

Culinary Traditions of Cumbria

Cumbria’s traditional cuisine developed in harmony with its natural surroundings. Farms supplied lamb for various meat dishes, while pigs contributed to the production of sausages and ham. Cattle played a vital role in producing dairy products. Meanwhile, the moors and mountains offered an abundance of wild game, including duck and deer. The region’s lakes and […]

Discovering the Charms of Cumbrian Villages

Cumbria, a picturesque county in North West England, is known for its outstanding natural beauty, particularly the Lake District National Park, which has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Beyond the lakes and mountains, Cumbria boasts a rich tapestry of cities, towns, villages, and hamlets, each offering a unique blend of history, culture, […]

Discovering the Hidden Treasures of Bothel, Cumbria

Ah, Bothel! Nestled quietly in the scenic landscapes of Cumbria, this small village might appear like any other at first glance. However, dive a little deeper and you’ll find a tapestry rich with history, culture, and natural beauty. Let’s embark on a journey together, shall we? History and Heritage Delving into Bothel’s storied past is […]